What is the Nevada Forward Party's mission?


The mission of the Nevada Forward Party is to restore a functional and responsive government that works for all citizens. Our goal is to reinvent what a political party should be by starting from a refreshingly simple premise: Every solution most Americans can support. We reject extreme partisanship and work together in good faith to solve problems and govern effectively.

At the core of our mission is the idea that we can and should work together to find solutions to the challenges we face, rather than being beholden to rigid ideologies or special interests. We believe that by fostering a spirit of collaboration, respect, and empathy, we can build a stronger and more prosperous society for everyone. To achieve this, we are committed to promoting policies that prioritize the common good, and to supporting leaders who are willing to put aside partisan politics and work towards shared goals. 


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  • Cesar Marquez
    published this page in FAQS 2023-03-10 10:57:47 -0800

Our Values

Our Goals


